There is a little admin work which comes after getting married, and it might not always be easy or straightforward, depending on what you need. This a

There is a little admin work which comes after getting married, and it might not always be easy or straightforward, depending on what you need. This also depends on your travel and other plans after marriage, so if you really don’t want to face this just yet, you can always put it off for a while.

  • Name change

This is usually the most prominent thing people think of. A change of name can affect your passport, driving licence, National Insurance, and tax. Many documents will be simple to change and won’t require proof of marriage; a simple letter or email to your bank, post office, and the DVLA will sort those out quite quickly. Your passport is more of a personal choice. If you’ve just recently got a new one, you might not want to change it already (it is quite expensive after all). Even if you’ve changed your name, you can still travel under your previous one as long as you book the tickets accordingly.

  • Finances

Are you combining your bank accounts? Are you filing taxes together? These may not be immediate decisions, but some which will need to be addressed eventually. You may gain some financial benefits by filing taxes jointly, however.