Now that your big day is over with, along with all the planning, you're done, right? Well, not quite. There's one last task which is still an importan

Now that your big day is over with, along with all the planning, you’re done, right? Well, not quite. There’s one last task which is still an important one; thank you cards. You may be tempted to skip this but consider the time, and money, people took out of their lives to attend your wedding and get you a gift; writing a meaningful thank you to them is worth the effort.

  • Timeliness

The general rule of sending thank you cards is within three months of the wedding, but it’s best to get them sent out before then. It’s also a good idea to have this on your to-do list before the wedding so that you at least have the stationery. Obviously, you may receive some gifts late, so factor in an appropriate time for those too.

  • Opening gifts

It’s not all hard work; you get to open presents! Don’t just rip off the paper and indulge yourself though, as you’ll quickly forget who sent what. Sit down with a pen and paper and make notes for each gift, which will make it ten times easier to say thank you later.

  • Content

So what should you say? Well, you can send a standard message for each person, and who can judge if you have 200+ guests? But if you can, handwritten and personal is best. Say thank you for being part of your day, reference a particularly lovely or funny moment if one comes to mind, and say a personal thank you for the gift they got you, and how it has been coming in useful, even if the gift was money towards your honeymoon.